Jumat, 14 September 2007

Religious Service Self Control

Sei Pinyuh, Holy FASTING in Ramadhan, basically is effort for self control like depressing to feel to fulminate, and from nature of abundant. Pearl of Ramadhan H Rahmad Satria Chief of DPRD Sub-Province of Pontianak, he submit before coming of month; moon which is the full of and benediction of mahripat that, Wednesday (12/9).

On behalf of legislative institute Sub-Province of Pontianak, he submit felicitation give or obtain cash for fasting religious service, hopefully do a good deed religious service which is diperbuat get reward of Allah SWT. The reminding of, that Ramadan really temptation weight and its barricade, especially from various obsession. And for the man who can overcome him, all barricade and temptation will get reward deserts of Allah.

We are as proper as is grateful, because Ramadhan 2007 this we still brought into contact. Though, by dozens brothers and sisters we which have ahead faced the The Creator. Its Meaning is, that us still lengthened by age,” word of H Rahmad which is also known as by khatif in some mosque in District of that Siantan confess that fasting is ‘ self control religious service.

One of the Regent candidate ( Cabup) 2008 coming that, reminding to Sub-Province society of Pontianak, about existence of imbauan of Regent and of Polres Pontianak, concerning things which may not be [done/conducted] [by] during Ramadhan. “Let us obey urge, exclamation and prohibition order, so that mean that is ramadhan really is touching of our kalbu each,” brightness.

And to society which do not execute fasting, asked for tolerance and better don't show things which can invite to feel is not delicious to citizen which is fasting. Rice booth and that coffee shop do not be prohibited to open Ramadan. But have to install curtain as form esteem one who is fasting.(ham)

Interprater: Stefanus Akim